The National Home & School MUG BBS, has been online since July 1, 1991. Our BBS software is TeleFinder™ which provides us with a complete Macintosh interface. For example, downloading a group of files is as easy as dragging them to your hard drive icon. Messages are entered and edited with a Mac-like text processor. This is the friendliest BBS software on the market. However to access the BBS, a special terminal program called TeleFinder™/User is necessary. There are 2 ways you can get this software:
1) Call the BBS, and at the prompt, you will be given a choice between logging on or downloading the TeleFinder™/User terminal software. Choose to download the user software (which comes complete with docs). Download time is 4 minutes using a v.32 (9600 bps) modem, 16 minutes using a 2400 bps modem, and 32 minutes using a 1200 bps modem. Before allowing you to download the terminal software, you will be prompted to enter the Name you wish to use on the BBS as well as to choose a Password (3 - 8 characters). The BBS DOES NOT AUTOMATICALLY CREATE YOUR ACCOUNT, so you may have to wait as long as 48 hours before the System Operator uses the information you provided to create your account. During that 48 hour period, until your account has been manually created by the System Operator, you will have to use a "temporary" account by entering the following information into the terminal program: for your Name, enter GUEST and for your Password, also enter GUEST. But after 48 hours has passed, be sure to enter the "permanent" Name and Password you indicated to the System Operator that you wished to use. If you ever have any problems with the BBS, feel free to call the System Operator at the Help-line listed below.
2) Send $3.00 to: National Home & School MUG, GAMER Project BBS, P. O. Box 640641, Kenner, LA 70064 USA. I will rush to you the terminal program, the TeleFinder™/User docs, and some additional docs with information about navigating the BBS. Also in your BBS application letter, indicate which Name and Password (3 - 8 characters) you wish to use on the BBS, and the System Operator will use that information to create your account. When the TeleFinder™/User software arrives, enter the Name and Password which you originally chose (and which the System Operator will confirm in writing) into the terminal software. Your account will have been created and be available for your use by the time you receive the TeleFinder™ software. If you ever have any problems with the BBS, feel free to call the System Operator at the phone number or any of the electronic addresses listed below.
The phone number of the GAMER Project BBS is: 1-504-467-0574. If the traffic on the board becomes heavy enough, we will add a second incoming line. Our modem is a Telebit T-2500 supporting 300/1200/2400, v.32 9600bps, and PEP 18031 bps. A notice will appear in Home & School Mac when we add new capabilities (extra phone line or new modem features such as v.32bis, v.42, v.42bis.
The GAMER Project BBS features Arizona MUG's "BBS in a Box" online, so callers will be able to choose from over 9,500 files to download from that source. But there is also a hard drive online which contains over 2,500 files from the GAMER Project's library, the largest known collection of Mac shareware entertainment & educational software in the world.
Members of the National Home & School MUG receive 60 minutes of access each day on the BBS and have access to the files on both the Hard Drive and the CD-ROM. Non-Members can apply for a "30-Day Trial Account", however access is limited to files on the Hard Drive. Please mail the following information to the System Operator so your account can be created:
BBS User Name (First & Last) : ________________________________